Thursday, January 12, 2012

Here we go 2012

Changes in 2012....I am going back to work, I should be starting any day.  I got a job with the county and a Residential home for children.  It will be part time in the evenings (so Andy for the most part will have the boys because he gets off at 3:30 or 4) but it is a huge change for this mommy.

I have started weaning the boys from nursing, it has just gotten to be to much.  They have always had to also have bottles because I never produced enough milk so it is time and I am not sure if they will even notice.

I am finally getting the chance to decorate my home, well slowly!  I have a lot of wonderful projects to do.  We moved in a month before the boys were born and I was tired.  Then life got more tired when the boys arrived!  Decorating has been so low on the to do list.  I am finally feeling like my old self again, the boys and I are getting it figured out.

I am running a 10k in march and a Half Marathon with my sister in July.  I am loving running , as much as I hate it, have began to enjoy it and the stress relief.  I am finally working on shedding the extra preggo weight and feel great.  I wish I was one of those moms that lost when she nursed but I didn't, so here we go.  I feel so good eating healthy and working out on a regular basis.

I have been able to go to Woman's Bible Study on Tuesdays and am loving the fellowship with woman who love the Lord.

Andy is still loving his job and not a lot has changed on his end.  He continues to be an amazing dad and husband.  So helpful and thoughtful, I think he is ready for more kiddos, but it is probably best if we wait a bit ;)  We love figuring out parenting with each other, the good and the bad.  We look forward to all that the Lord has for us this coming year!

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